Sunday, August 7, 2011

16 weeks pregnant! Update!

Hi guys. I did another vlog updating you on my pregnancy.

If you'd like to see my previous pregnancy vlog, please click here :)

Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Babysitting in Style :)

I'm writing this blog as Giselle, my friend's daughter, is trying to fall asleep in my bedroom. As many of you know Giselle is like a daughter to me. We've always had a special bond, and I would do anything for her. I babysit her sometimes and it's always fun...a little tiring(physically) because I give my all when I'm with her but also rewarding in every possible way!!! Today her parents had a wedding to attend so I babysat Giselle in the evening. But today was different than any other time. It was different because it wasn't in the afternoon but in the evening, and also because it wasn't by myself but with the help of my husband. We decided to go for a walk and then have dinner at Americana. Since this time I was not going to babysit at home, and because Bako was going to help me I tried to get my answers to a couple of questions:
1. Is Bako going to be a hands-on dad?
2. Is it really that much harder to go out with kids than without them?
3. Is it possible to dress the same way before and after kids?
Before answering these questions I want to describe our evening to you first. Once Giselle's parents dropped her off at 8:00 PM, we drove to Americana. Since she had to sleep at 10:00-10:30 I did not want to lose any more time. I had my hair and makeup done and was wearing what I usually wear when I go out for a stroll: a pair of skinny jeans, a cute top, a blazer and high heels. Since I knew I was going to carry the baby from time to time, I decided to wear heels that were relatively lower and I got flats with me just in case :)
When we arrived in Americana we got Giselle in the stroller and went straight to Cheesecake Factory to get on the waiting list. The wait was 50 minutes so we decided to go to Barnes and Noble because I needed to get a book from there. I didn't see an elevator in the store so while I took the escalator to the third floor to get the book I needed, Giselle stayed with Bako in his favorite part of the store: the travel section. Bako showed Giselle pictures from some exotic destinations while I paid for the book and joined them. Bako wanted to get a new shirt so while he went around CK store looking for one, Giselle and I discussed a color wheel drawn in the book I had just gotten. We then walked towards the dancing fountains where Giselle's excitement reached its maximum. She laughed excitedly while the fountains danced to the synchronized music and lights. At that point our pager vibrated and we started walking towards the restaurant. While the hostess led Bako to the table I went to the restroom to change Giselle's diapers (Bako got my purse, the stroller and the rest of our stuff with him). I have changed Giselle's pampers countless times, and it's been so easy every time but this time it was a disaster! lol Let me tell you why. Before going to the restroom I got the new diapers and wet wipes but forgot the diaper changing pad in my purse. So although the diaper changing station in the restroom was helpful, the fact that I had forgotten the pad wasn't. So instead of going back and finding Bako and getting the pad I decided to instead put paper on the station then lay Giselle down hahahaha lol That was a struggle! lol Then I put her there and while trying to attach the diaper I accidentally ripped the wrong side lol. It was getting so hot in the restroom, and both me and Giselle were wearing jackets so it was getting a little frustrating! I somehow fixed the diaper and put her pants back on, and we walked to the table to finally be fed! Ever since I got pregnant Bako's a little more attentive to me than usual. He does not let me carry weight any more that's why he let me get sitted while he put Giselle in the high-chair! AW!!!!! We got French fries, pineapple juice and water for Giselle, I got a cup of clam chowder, and Bako got some spicy dish. Giselle was already tired and she kept reaching me over the table. When I put her high-chair next to me, she put her head on my shoulder and started drinking her juice. We hardly got her to eat anything! The poor soul was so sleepy (she kept sucking her thumb which she only does when she's sleepy). Every time I moved a little away to eat my soup she started whining so I pushed my soup away and started watching a cartoon with her on my phone. Bako's dish hadn't arrived yet so while he had some free time, he told me to sit across from Giselle, and he sat next to her. He started feeding her and watching Mickey mouse on the phone with her while I finished my soup. Giselle couldn't take another moment of sitting any more so I walked her to the fountain again while Bako got to eat this time. We walked a little, checked out the new Apple store and went back to get Bako and go home. We got home at about 10:15 PM so right when we got home I prepared the milk, changed Giselle's diaper, put her in her cute pajamas and took her to the bedroom to sleep. She didn't cry, whine or complain, but she slept later than usual. I guess because she was not in her own room, in her bed where she sleeps most nights. It usually takes her half an hour to an hour to fall asleep but this time it took her almost 2 hours. Poor baby! I just checked on her and she's sleeping like an angel! I love her so much!
My favorite part of the evening was how helpful and caring Bako was both with me and with Giselle. It was so nice pushing the stroller together while talking and laughing! Everyone who knows Bako knows about his "phobia" of strollers. But guess what! Bako pushed a stroller today! Yes he did! looool As he was pushing it he said, "I hope John doesn't have spies to take pictures of me pushing the stroller" lol It made me laugh every time! Another thing that made us laugh was the fact that the stroller fell every time we took Giselle out because the weight of my purse made it shift back. We looked like amateur parents! hahaha It was so funny!!! Giselle also made us laugh so much in the car. She says, "Casey, toy". I tell Bako how she likes when I throw Casey's toy and tell her to get it, and Giselle simultaneously says, "Goooooo get iiiiit!!!!!". She is such a sweetheart!
So to answer my three questions:
1. Yes, Bako will continue being a great husband, and he will be a great father when the baby's born.
2. It is a little harder to go out with children especially if they don't like holding hands or it is time for them to sleep but it is fun! And I think going out with them in the afternoon is definitely easier than later in the evening.
3. Yes, it is absolutely possible to dress the same before and after kids. Of course, it is easier wearing flats and comfortable clothing but when is it not? Even without kids it's easier to wear sweatpants than skinny jeans. I, like everyone else, have days when I would rather sit at home in my pajamas and watch a movie while binging than get all pretty and go out.  Although there are days that I do just that, I don't let it become a lifestyle, and I hope to continue that way after I have my little ones. Taking care of oneself is very important in my opinion: it maintains the woman's confidence while showing the husband that his wife still cares about herself! To sum it up, yes it would be easier today if I were wearing my sweats and flats and tanktop but being stylish while pushing the stroller was priceless! All the stares my husband, Giselle and I got from people was totally worth the minimal discomfort I felt wearing my "not-so-comfortable" clothes and shoes!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Vacationing in Hawaii

As many of you know, Hawaii is like a second home to my husband and I. We started going there once a year in 2006, and we've been going there at least twice a year since 2010. We consider it our second home because when we're there we live exactly the same way as we do back in LA. We have a car (we rent it of course), we hardly ever hang out in the tourist part of the town, we go to the movies, we stay in the room when my husband has to work and we jog in the evenings like we often (ok, sometimes) do back at home. We don't feel like we are on vacation when we are in Hawaii, yet we come back rejuvenated and well-rested. This is what we usually do there. We wake up and have breakfast. Then we drive to the most beautiful beach we have ever seen: Lanikai. It is the place where my husband feels happiest. As a matter of fact when he is stressed back at home he often fantasizes about being there, and even just thinking about his favorite place in the world makes him happy! We stay in Lanikai for hours but it never feels that way. Time just flies there. We may just sit and stare at the ocean for hours while sun-tanning or stay in the water and talk. Hubby often puts his earphones on and sings out loud which, I dare say, is the funniest thing in the world! I swear, if there was a contest for the worst-voiced singer in the world, he would win the first place!!! I'm sure you'll agree with me once you watch the video hehe :). It is even funnier when the music is loud and he can't hear himself sing! lol. I, on the other hand, either read or sun-tan on a floatie in the water. If I were to describe Lanikai in one word I would say: heavenly! The sand is so fine it resembles flour. It is white and soft, and no matter how far you go in the water you will still feel it caressing your feet. The water is so warm that the warmest pool could not compare.  The beach in front of our hotel is nice too but it cannot even come close to Lanikai. Plus it is so crowded and sometimes dirty because of that same fact, that we stopped going there completely last year.
I think I got a little distracted :). So after we leave Lanikai we go back home and get ready for dinner. After dinner we walk along Kalakaua Avenue which is full of high-end designer stores, tourists and tourist rip-off places :). The designer stores are my favorite part of Kalakaua Avenue. Even if we don't buy anything, which hardly ever happens, we love window shopping. I think my husband enjoys it a little more than I do...ok maybe we enjoy it the same! So the stores are on one side of the avenue, and the ocean is on the other. The cool breeze from the ocean is so pleasant! You know the feeling when the weather is so perfect you want to scream of happiness?!!!!! Ok maybe it is a bit excessive for some but not for me. It has the ability to make me the happiest person in the world. I am trying desperately to describe how it makes me feel but I  don't think words can describe what I feel when I breathe that air... Anyways, back to Kalakaua. Rip-off #1: ABC stores...OMG everything they have is so overpriced! Thank God my husband quit smoking cigarettes, but when he was smoking I remember him paying $8 for a pack of cigarettes...
Another alternative to walking along Kalakaua is jogging at the park nearby which is humongous. Again, on one side is the ocean and on the other the track for joggers. The track is next to acres and acres of green land. My hubby's not a big fan of jogging, but when we're in Hawaii it is his own request that we go jogging because jogging in that weather, breathing that air is the most pleasant thing you can possibly do! Another way to spend the evening is going to the movies or driving around town or meeting locals and hanging out with them.
Here's a video of us from our latest Hawaiian vacation :) Hope you enjoy (pay attention at how much my husband and I laugh when we're together hehe)!

Always yours,
P.S. I don't want to attach the pictures to the video too so I am just going to post them here :) As you will see, I have passion for food...good food to be more accurate!