I have never felt as loved and cared for as I did yesterday at a friend's birthday party. After my pregnancy announcement on facebook most people were seeing us for the first time. Upon entering the restaurant everyone would come give us a hug and congratulate us saying how happy they were for us. It felt so great! We were like superstars :) As the party went on and everyone got up to dance, I also left my chair to join the others on the dance floor. I was so excited about that part of the party because I have so much passion for dancing! I can dance for days without ever wanting to stop :) The first dance was kind of slow, then mid-tempo, then it all began with the third dance! I was in the middle of it when someone whispered in my ear that I needed to take it easy. Then others started to call me to talk to me about the dangers of jumping around. I have massive education in pregnancy because I have been reading books about pregnancy and child-bearing since I was 15, took prenatal/postnatal classes at UCLA, have been doing research since we decided to conceive; so when they told me these ridiculous things about how "the baby is going to fall out of my uterus", I...let's just say I didn't laugh, because the person who told me that is someone I have so much love and respect for. I just told them that it was ok, that they should not worry because I knew what I was doing. I felt so touched though that there were so many overprotective people around me.Voicing their concerns and opinion about how I should take care of my pregnancy is completely fine with me. I have no problem with people worrying about me!!!!! Who doesn't love it, right? Concern equals love, and if I have that many people to love me, then I'm the richest person in the world! But when it gets to a point where someone almost grabs you mid-air and pulls you back...come on! Really?! It happened so many times I lost count! I'm dancing, having the time of my life, then next thing I know I'm in someone's arms who grabs me from my behind and gives me another lecture about how I should take it easy!... Let me describe how that made me feel. Everyone knows a girl like this: she is kind and smart and great and you all love her, but she changes 360 degrees when drunk. You love her so much you don't want her to do something stupid at a party, like get all over someone else's husband, so you are always next to her to make sure she doesn't embarrass herself in front of others. I felt like that girl yesterday, I swear! Another thing I felt was as if I was a 14 year old girl who thought that one becomes pregnant only when having intercourse during her period (she probably has a dog for a pet, lol, sadly there are so many uneducated teens like that!) and is suddenly surprised her tummy's getting bigger for no apparent reason! Now she knows she's pregnant, she goes to a party and wants to have the time of her life. Everyone's watching her on the dance floor to make sure the silly little one doesn't do anything irresponsible and uneducated again. Again, all that attention was so flattering but after telling them a couple of times that I didn't need to be babysat and still having to face the same thing over and over again...I guess I was just hurt at the lack of trust towards my good judgement :(
Let me bring up another interesting point :). Why is our worry and concern for others so much stronger when the responsibility lies exclusively on them? What I'm trying to say is...all that smoke in that little room was so much worse for my developing baby but no one seemed to be worried about that! I'm in no way saying I'm better than anyone else. If I were in their shoes I would act exactly the same. I would push the thought of a pregnant lady to the back of my mind not to feel guilty about smoking in the same room as her...I'm at a party, right? I'm here to have fun and be a little selfish! I get all that. I'm not trying to point fingers at anyone....All I'm saying is either care completely or not at all. You can't pick and choose! Jumping around and dancing is bad for my baby but a room full of smoke is fine?!
For those who don't have the proper knowledge about miscarriages, here's a tidbit of information from the American Pregnancy Association:
Why do miscarriages occur?
During the first trimester, the most common cause of miscarriage is chromosomal abnormality - meaning that something is not correct with the baby's chromosomes. Most chromosomal abnormalities are the cause of a faulty egg or sperm cell, or are due to a problem at the time that the zygote went through the division process. Other causes for miscarriage include:
Hormonal problems, infections or maternal health problems
Lifestyle (i.e. smoking, drug use, malnutrition, excessive caffeine and exposure to radiation or toxic substances)
Implantation of the egg into the uterine lining does not occur properly
Maternal age
Maternal trauma
Also, to make everyone have the certainty that I am fine and nothing has happened to me or the baby, I'm going to see my OBGYN this week, but meanwhile I talked to one of my UCLA professors and described everything in detail and had quite a long conversation with her. She confirmed everything I already knew. She says I'm fine. I should listen to my body and unless my body tells me otherwise, I should not alter my lifestyle :) Thanks for worrying and caring so much about me but seriously I'm not a teenager, I know what I'm doing hehe :)))))))))))))
P.S. The most curious thing....I think I liked the whole experience yesterday 'cause if there is one thing I love to do is shock people and be controversial lol. I actually enjoyed being thought of as crazy lol!!!!!!!!! I know that this might not seem crazy or controversial to other cultures but Armenians are a little too overprotective about pregnancy.....
P.S.2 I've been smiling the whole time while writing this blog; there is no anger or hurt in it, just humor and some food for thought hehe. If my writing does not demonstrate that, I wanted to make sure that you knew and felt the happy vibe in it :)))))))
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