Friday, May 6, 2011

Who Am I?

I always feel like I have so much to say but there is no outlet for me to really let these thoughts out. I've been thinking about blogging for a long time and actually attempted to open one a couple of times but never actually did. I think the reason was because I was trying to do it for others, that is to entertain or inform others. I suppose the reason I did it this time is because I am doing it for myself. I hope that this blog will help me figure out who I am and what I want. I'm pretty confused right now and I truly hope that it will be of therapeutic significance to me.
If I had to describe myself in two words I would probably choose the following, "a professional worry-er". :) Sometimes I feel like the weight of the whole world is on my shoulders. And it is not because I live a life full of problems. Some would even describe my life as carefree, and they might be right. I have the greatest husband, I got my education at one of the most prestigious universities in the United States, I have parents who love me, I travel multiple times a year, I have not felt the devastating effects of current recession ....overall my life really IS care free...but there is another side to my carefree life that is not "available" to others...and I use the word "available" in the meaning that some just don't get it...I wish I could describe what THAT is but I can't because there is just so much to say and not enough room to write hehe. I guess I'll get it out throughout multiple blogs. Until then....bye-bye :)


Armenian Fashionista said...

I was thinking all day about ur post. U know I am a super professional worry-er myself, and today I was trying to figure out why the hell is that stupid feeling eating us from inside out. And u know what I thought, Armenians have a good word to describe it - loksh. I think when u have a job and when ur day is very busy, u simply don't have time to worry, u don't have time for negative thoughts.
Anyway, what I think is it's time to pull myself back together and get to work and quit trippin, lol. kez el em nujn@ xorhurd tali.
love u

Sonia said...

But I have always been that way. Even when I'm so busy that I don't have time to breathe I'm still like that. I always HAVE been!
Also, it's not always negative. Sometimes it's positive too and I still over-obsess. Let me bring an example. The other day I was in an airplane, and there was a lady sitting next to me with her 4-month old in her lap. We were on a red-eye flight so everyone was pretty much sleeping. Her baby was sleeping in her lap in that little space, and the whole night I couldn't wink an eye because all I did was obsess about why there were so many vacant seats in the first class, and none of the flight attendants would offer her a seat there. THE WHOLE NIGHT!!!! I know it's policy but still....the first class tickets were $600 dollars so i thought maybe mid-flight they would be half-price lol silly me! I went to a flight attendant and asked if I could buy one for her for half-price and she said, sorry it's too late to buy them now. You should have thought about it before the plane took off. So I came back, took my seat and thought of other ways to help her. And you know what the funny thing is, she didn't even need help! She was happy about her travel and she was cool with holding the baby without moving the entire night. You see how pointless my worrying is! I constantly worry about things that have nothing to do with me. A woman at the airpot was sitting next to me and sleeping, and her alarm kept going off and she wouldn't wake up! I tried to gently touch her shoulder to wake her up, and she wouldn't. There are dozens of people sitting in that area, and here I am sitting and worrying out of control, "what if she misses her flight?!!!!" After 20 minutes her alarm was still ringing and she was still sleeping lol The longest 20 minutes of my life lmao I ended up riding my suitcase over her feet and appearing as the bad guy lol but at least she didn't miss her flight lol. These are the things I am talking about. I know I am pathetic but that's the way I am. I wish I could change it though. I have a couple of white hair already lol

Armenian Fashionista said...

Vaj Son u killed me lmao! what about relaxing music in ur iPod?
I think u need to develop friendship with my grandmother. Lav irar khaskanaq, LOL.

Sonia said...

I would love to meet her :)

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